In December 2021 the EU Whistleblowing Directive will be transposed into national law by EU Member States, impacting all companies with more than 250 employees. It’s just around the corner. In our half-day North Europe virtual conference you learn more about how the Directive will affect your company.
North Europe Event Speakers

Brechje Nollen
Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deninger

Charlotte Guilliland
Account Manager, EQS Group AG

Evert Jan Lammers
Partner, Ebben Partners

Frank Staelens
CEO, SpeakUPwise

Gerald Chifamba
Compliance Services, Business Development, EQS Group AG

Hazel Bradbury
Chief Compliance Officer, Clarks

Holly Insley
Senior Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Jack De Raad
Managing Director, Kroll

Kevin Hart
Associate Managing Director, Kroll

Michael Doyle
Partner, Employment, A&L Goodbody

Neill Cooke
Senior Ethics and Compliance Counsel, Rolls-Royce plc

Tania Higgins

Till Oberbeckmann
Co-Founder, Managing Partner, turingpoint

Viviane Joynes
Managing Director, EQS Group AG

William Scott-Gall
Associate Managing Director, Kroll

Zelda Cunningham
Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (aka AIB Group or AIB)