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How to manage your conflicts of interest with the
EQS Compliance COCKPIT

Customized Questionnaires

Create fully customizable questionnaires to collect the information you need from employees about their potential conflicts of interest.

Monitoring and reporting

With one central, audit-proof register of disclosures, you can surface and share insights with reporting and dashboards.

Customized approval workflows

Make sure the right teams are seeing each disclosure by building fully customizable approval workflows to assign individuals and teams to review.

Ad-hoc Disclosures

Employees can submit one off disclosures at any time through your employee compliance portal.

Automated Conflict of Interest Disclosure Campaigns

Integrate your disclosures into your onboarding process for new hires, as well as run targeted campaigns.

Illustration Insider Manager MAR-Anforderungen | EQS Group

Best practices for COI Management

Managing a conflict of interest (COI) program is a key part of an organizations overall compliance program. Ensuring that your organization maintains trust and transparency is of utmost importance. Here are some best practices to consider when managing your COI program:

  • Establish a Clear COI Policy: Begin by crafting a well-defined COI policy that outlines what constitutes a conflict of interest within your organization. A clear policy provides guidelines for recognizing and reporting potential conflicts.
  • Educate and Build Awareness: Promote a culture of ethical awareness and compliance by offering regular training sessions and resources to your team. Ensuring that all employees understand the importance of COI management is crucial for fostering a sense of responsibility.
  • Establish a Single Place of Storage for COIs: Simplify the process by centralizing all COI disclosures in one place. Using a digital solution makes it easier to access, monitor, and report on COIs, streamlining the management process.
  • Create Open Dialogue and Trust: Encourage open communication among employees to report potential conflicts without fear of repercussions. Building trust is essential for a successful COI program, as it ensures that disclosures are made promptly and accurately.

Integrating a robust Conflict of Interest (COI) program is important for organizations committed to effective risk management. This proactive approach helps to maintain trust and transparency within your company, setting a strong foundation for ethical conduct and compliance.

How to manage your conflicts of interest with the EQS Compliance COCKPIT

Streamline & Automate your Conflict of Interest Declarations

  • 1Step 1: Educate employees
    Send out your Conflict of Interest Policy to educate your employees on what potential conflicts they could have.
  • 2Step 2: Certify & submit conflicts
    Employees read the policy to learn about conflicts of interest and are able to submit potential conflicts in one easy step! All of this is information is stored in one place – your Compliance COCKPIT.
  • 3Step 3: Get to 100% complete
    Track completion rates to get all relevant employees to certify the policy – And send automated reminders to any that haven’t.
  • 4Step 4: Review & mitigate
    Any potential conflicts of interest that employees declare are routed through your customized approval process to make sure the right team is reviewing.
Example solution central library | EQS Group

Promote transparency with optimized conflict of interest disclosures

Allow employees to review your Conflict of Interest policy AND submit potential conflict for review in one step:

  • Send out your COI policy to employees with your COI disclosure form included – all in one place
  • Track completion rates: You can also send reminders to employees who haven’t completed it yet
  • All potential COIs that are submitted are routed for review according to your customized business logic

What kind of disclosures need to be declared?

Financial Interests

Disclosures related to share holdings are common in industries that involve financial services, such as banking, investment management, securities trading, and insurance.

Comply with legal and regulatory requirements

Personal relationships that could influence decision-making or create the appearance of bias may need to be disclosed. For example, if an employee is related to a client, this could create a conflict of interest.

Secondary Employment

Employees with a secondary job or other employment that could affect their ability to fulfill their duties may need to be declared to the company to prevent compliance issues.

Political Activities

Employees may be involved in different political activities including holding public office, lobbying, or large political donations may need to declare these activities to prevent reputational harm or compliance issues.

Get to know all features of our EQS Compliance COCKPIT – the digital compliance platform for all your workflows.

Find out how this platform can simplify your daily compliance work!

Contact us

Moritz Homann
Moritz Homann

Managing Director Corporate Compliance

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