Global Supply Chain Due Diligence
An overview of the requirements of international supply chain due diligence legislation and how companies should navigate an increasingly complex global regulatory environment.
Content of this White Paper:
- Overview of global supply chain due diligence legislation
- Focus on laws preventing modern slavery and child labour
- Detailed analysis of laws in Australia, Germany, France, the UK and more
- In-depth look at EU supply chain laws
- Compliance requirements and reporting obligations
- What companies need to watch out for
- Using software to support due diligence
- Notable supply chain disasters
Legal situation as of January 2023 and subject to change. This document will be updated accordingly.
Over the past couple of decades, companies have left a trail of destruction across the world from burning and collapsed factories to poisoned rivers and oceans. Workers have been forced to endure inhumane conditions while human rights and environmental standards have been ignored despite countless warnings from NGOs. Today, problems remain prominent in global supply chains where violations still exist at all levels. Progress in stamping out wrongdoing such as modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and criminal exploitation has been painfully slow but there is some light at the end of the tunnel. After the failure of a number of voluntary initiatives, more and more governments are taking decisive action and introducing obligatory supply chain due diligence obligations, a development that will have far-reaching consequences for many businesses.
As the legal landscape becomes increasingly complex, this guide provides a concise overview of the legal requirements of the supply chain due diligence laws coming into force across the world. It is aimed at all companies, regardless of sector, size or international positioning.