Webinar | Investor targeting and ESG as a success factor – opportunities, risks and best practice for Swiss issuers
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Duration: 1 hour (45 minutes presentation + 15 minutes panel debate & Q&A)
More and more companies are opting to take investor targeting inhouse following the introduction of MiFID II and are seeking direct contact with investors. In this way they reduce their dependence on brokers and take the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of their investor contacts.
As a basis for sustainable and strategic targeting, IR professionals should know the shareholder structure of their company and keep an eye on changes. Understanding which investors are involved in their peer group – whether locally or abroad – also enables meaningful market analysis and helps to identify funds or asset managers that might be interested in your shares. An accurate Shareholder ID is the foundation of a company’s IR strategy. When selecting an IR CRM and investor database, the quality of the investor data is of primary importance.
In addition to reliable investor data, companies should also be aware of the expectations of potential and existing investors. This is where the topic of ESG (Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance) comes into place, which has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. Companies and investors, and also governments and regulatory authorities, now place great value on sustainable management. What does this mean for companies? How can they meet ESG requirements?
In this webinar with our partner Investor Update, we specifically address the topics of investor targeting, shareholder ID and ESG. What has changed in recent years due to ongoing digitalization and new regulations, what opportunities do digital IR solutions offer and what risks should be considered?
We will show best practice approaches for investor targeting, the latest updates on ESG and why it is an essential part of a long-term strategy for any company. In addition, our experts will directly answer your questions on the topic.
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Our agenda:
- Investor Targeting and Shareholder ID – opportunities, risks and best practice
- Shareholder ID – the foundation of a company’s IR strategy
- A brief introduction to the Investors Module from our EQS IR COCKPIT
- ESG and how to benchmark it – Identify, track and benchmark ESG focused funds
- Q&A: Our experts answer your questions
Our webinar partner
Über die EQS Group
Die EQS Group ist ein internationaler Anbieter von regulatorischen Technologien (RegTech) in den Bereichen Corporate Compliance und Investor Relations. Mehrere tausend Unternehmen weltweit schaffen mit der EQS Group Vertrauen, indem sie komplexe Compliance-Anforderungen erfüllen, Risiken minimieren und transparent mit Stakeholdern kommunizieren.
Die Produkte der EQS Group sind in der cloud-basierten Software „EQS COCKPIT“ gebündelt. Damit lassen sich Compliance-Workflows in den Bereichen Hinweisgeberschutz und Case Management, Richtlinien-Management, Insiderlistenverwaltung und Meldepflichten professionell steuern. Börsennotierte Unternehmen nutzen zudem ein globales Newswire, Investor Targeting und Kontaktmanagement, IR Webseiten, digitale Berichte und Webcasts für eine effiziente und sichere Investorenkommunikation.
Die EQS Group wurde im Jahr 2000 in München gegründet. Heute ist der Konzern mit mehr als 500 Mitarbeitenden in den wichtigsten Finanzmetropolen der Welt vertreten.