What is Experience Day?

The Experience Day (XPD) is a premier event hosted by the EQS Group created specifically for the engagement of EQS clients. This event fosters a dynamic environment for client companies to connect and engage in discussions about the latest trends in compliance, technology innovation, as well as upcoming regulatory changes. It also serves as a platform for sharing insights and best practices, empowering participants to collaboratively navigate the complexities of these evolving challenges. The XPDs are held in some of Europe’s most significant cities, with the 2024 schedule including Munich, Zurich, Paris, Madrid, Milan, London and Copenhagen.

Experience Day Zurich 2024

What to expect?

  • A day full of expert knowledge, practical tips for direct implementation and much more
  • Exciting keynotes, panel discussions and breakout sessions
  • Lots of opportunities to network with new and old faces from the compliance world

Beyond Regulations: Navigating Tomorrow with Better Connections

At EQS Experience Day 2024, immerse yourself in the future of regulatory landscapes – and chart out the challenging path beyond. To navigate the inevitable complexities of tomorrow, forging meaningful connections – within organizations, across industries and within technology – will be a vital component.
Join us for an enlightening one-day event that will focus on the power of connections – grounded in trust and transparency – to drive innovation, resilience, and sustainability in the face of constant change. Through dynamic keynote sessions, interactive panels and immersive breakout sessions, the event promises to equip you with expert insights, practical guidance and more. Not to mention, this is a great chance to forge invaluable connections with fellow compliance professionals and industry experts.

Don’t miss this opportunity to future-proof your compliance strategy and position yourself as a leader in your field!

Register now

Register now for our Compliance News Service and receive relevant news from compliance, whistleblowing and business ethics. After successful registration for the Compliance News Service, you will receive the link to the webinar via e-mail. You can unsubscribe from the news at any time.

Registrations & Welcome Breakfast
Welcome speech by Marcus Sultzer & Sascha Meier
Mar­cus Sult­zer
CRO, Member of the Management Board
EQS Group
Sascha Meier
Country Manager Switzeralnd
EQS Group
DDTrO, LkSG, CSDDD – what the heck? How to deal with national & international supply chain due diligence regulations
Foreign corruption at Swiss companies: New findings on risks & counter-strategies
Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser
Head of PRME Business Integrity Action Center
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Dr. Martin Hilti
Executive Director
Transparency International Switzerland
About the Speakers
Measure & Optimize: The effectiveness of anti-corruption programs

Basel Institute on Governance
About the Speaker
Lunch Break
Foghorn or Siren Song? Roadmap for Multinationals on How to approach the new EU Whistleblowing Requirements
Florent Mourier
Executive Director, Forensic Services
Forvis Mazars Switzerland
About the Speaker
Compliance Journey

Session 1
Interview training:
Dealing with executives in internal investigations

Session 2
Gift & Entertainment Compliance:
How to encourage transparency

Session 3
Interactive Policies:
Using Technology to Enhance Decision-Making

Session 4
Challenges & successes
in third-party risk management


Coffee & Networking lunch
Tour of the Chocolate Museum OR extended Coffee & Networking Break
The AI-impact in compliance management: Navigating the jungle of opportunities & threats for compliance professionals
(Panel) The digital dilemma: Is the rapid progress of technological innovations like AI in compliance a curse or a blessing?
Connecting the dots: Compliance COCKPIT roadmap & updates
Dinner & Drinks
Getting there

Information on how to get there will follow shortly.

Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser
Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser

Head of PRME Business Integrity Action Center, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons

Christian Hauser is Professor of Business Economics and International Management at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons and a visiting scholar at the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich. He is chair of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Working Group on Anti-Corruption and head of the first PRME Business Integrity Action Centre in Europe.

Dr. Martin Hilti
Dr. Martin Hilti

Executive Director, Transparency International Switzerland

Martin Hilti studied law in Bern and Poitiers (F), is admitted to the bar and did his doctorate in public law. After various positions in the federal administration, Martin Hilti has been Executive Director of Transparency International Switzerland since 2015. He is also a private lecturer in public law at the University of Basel.

Basel Institute on Governance
Basel Institute on Governance

The Basel Institute on Governance is a hands-on center of competence dedicated to promoting good governance and countering corruption for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Established in 2003 in Basel, Switzerland, the Institute works with partners worldwide to advance knowledge, practice and policy on anti-corruption, asset recovery and business integrity.

Florent Mourier
Florent Mourier

Executive Director, Forensic Services, Forvis Mazars Switzerland

Florent Mourier has more than 20 years experience in risk consulting across Europe, in particular in Switzerland. He is a seasoned information specialist and white collar crime fighter. Expert opinions on ethical issues. Florent is member of various international and Swiss integrity related professional associations (e.g., ACFE, ASIS, SRA, Swissintell).

Dies war der EQS Experience Day 2023 – Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme!


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